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Our Story

   Growing & Brewing Chinese Tea since 1996   

Founded in 1996, Cui Zhu Xuan dedicated itself to the best tea plant cultivation, and professional production. Our company insists on growing the tea plant with the highest quality, and roasting the tea leaves into the finest taste. Perfecting this process allows for the richest flavor of tea. Honesty, diligence, and persistence have been the legacy of Cui Zhu Xuan.


Our Oolong tea farm is located at the top of the greatest Lishan Mountain in Taiwan.  We have 25 years and more of experience growing, farming, selecting and manufacture organic oolong and black tea, and finally, we have decided to share our finest products and experience with the world.


The secret of our Oolong tea being the highest quality tea in the world relies on the fact that we plant it at the perfect coordinates for tea to grow, with the best skills and experience of making them.

Taiwan's weather is humid, warm and sunny, the absolute best weather to cultivate tea. The best spot, however, is the High Mountain weather. Due to its high altitude of more than 1000m to 2600m, when the afternoon strikes the fog begins, nourishing the precious tea leaves intensely.  Because of the altitude, the changes in temperature between night and day are drastic. This temperature factor affects the tea leaves to grow very slowly, but also, especially thick and strong compared to other oolong teas.


At last but not least, the quality texture of the soil of high mountain is great to cultivate tea also. Our farmers have a lot of experience and are considered experts in the field of  tea, using only 100% organic fertilizers to nourish them. 


Cuizhu Xuanzhi Tea Series

It is produced by the highest-Tianchi tea factory in Taiwan (2,460 meters above sea level). The environment around the tea garden is virgin forest. The environment is natural, the soil is fertile, contains a variety of natural and organic substances, and through strict tea garden management, excellent tea making technology. Layers will be used to present the tea to the extreme.


Founded in 1996, Cui Zhu Xuan dedicated itself to the best tea plant cultivation, and professional production. Our company insists on growing the tea plant with the highest quality, and roasting the tea leaves into the finest taste. Perfecting this process allows for the richest flavor of tea. Honesty, diligence, and persistence have been the legacy of Cui Zhu Xuan.

創始於1996, 翠竹軒致力於茶葉種植培養,與製造技術。我們堅持以最高標準培植茶樹,以最精準的工法烘焙製作。力求豐富每一杯茶的口感,將其風味發揮極致。誠實、勤勉、堅持,始終為 翠竹軒 的核心精神。



專研茶種類別有梨山茶,高山烏龍,炭焙烏龍與蜜香紅茶等台灣精品茶。 我們有25年以上的專職種植,茶園管理,製造,乃至成品挑選經驗來與世界分享。









翠竹軒 系列是由全台最高-天池茶廠 所生產(海拔2460米),茶園周遭環境皆為原始森林,環境天然、土質肥沃,含綜多天然有機物質;再透過嚴謹的茶園管理,優秀的製茶技術,層層把關將 高山茶發揮至極致以呈獻。

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